Optimizing Your Digital Asset Portfolio: Essential Tools for Crypto Tracking and Management

Person holding a Bitcoin in their hand with a computer screen in the background showing financial charts.

As more people get into crypto investing, digital asset management and portfolio-building become increasingly important skills. Recent years have been marked by explosive growth. The numbers don’t lie: cryptocurrency ownership data today estimates over 420 million crypto asset owners worldwide. 

As of 2023, countries like the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and the United States have the highest rates of crypto ownership as a percentage of the population. 

However, by sheer numbers, India is the global frontrunner. It has 93 million crypto owners. It is followed by China with 59 million and the U.S. with 52 million. 

Regionally, crypto ownership is growing too. It has growing numbers across North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania.

Crypto wealth is also soaring, with 88,200 crypto millionaires—40,500 of whom are Bitcoin millionaires. As of this writing, the total market value of the crypto ecosystem is approximately $2.72 trillion, fueled by a recent rise in prices led by Bitcoin and Ethereum.

With high demand fueling the industry, the market is becoming more dynamic and fast-paced. Newer investors are asking about the best way to manage a crypto asset portfolio. 

Efficiently managing a crypto portfolio requires more than buying and holding assets. It entails choosing a digital platform that works for you. If you are the type who likes to trade and offer advice, a site that allows you to create a public crypto portfolio for your audience will help you reach copy traders and earn more. 

With the stakes higher than ever, it’s essential to explore the strategies to enhance your crypto investment game. 

Tools To Improve Decision-Making in Crypto

Crypto investors need a solid foundation of market knowledge. To make the best decisions in today’s environment, you need real-time information. Fast access to data helps you make crucial calls in a matter of seconds. Before diving into optimization strategies, you must understand your portfolio’s composition and performance.

Being on top of your portfolio means tracking various metrics such as historical performance, asset allocation, and risk exposure. 

Data platforms

Crypto data platforms keep your pulse on the market. Popular examples of data-intensive sites include CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. These platforms provide comprehensive market data. They give real-time info on price charts, liquidity, market capitalization, trading volume, and historical data for thousands of coins, tokens, and digital assets.

Information from data platforms enables you to make decisions about your portfolio. It helps you choose which coins to buy, sell, or hold for a long time (HODL). 

Crypto news websites

Crypto news websites help you filter the signal from the noise. The best-curated and edited ones provide excellent insights into where the market and industry are going. They also inform you about the technological and regulatory developments affecting the industry and your investments.

Tools for Tracking Your Crypto Holdings

With the correct information and insights, the next step is to find a cryptocurrency portfolio tracker that allows you to monitor your entire portfolio in one place. 

Apps that track your crypto portfolio

Crypto owners typically keep their assets in multiple exchanges or wallets. Thus, a consolidating platform that offers real-time price alerts, balance updates, and performance analytics helps tremendously.

Crypto portfolio tracker platforms or apps monitor the real-time value of your investments. They also keep track of your profits and losses. Moreover, they have a page that updates you on the latest market news.

The best apps let you track your investments in the short and long term. Look for the ones compatible with both centralized exchanges and DeFi platforms. Also look for tracker apps that support a wide variety of cryptocurrencies across numerous exchanges.

Look for compatibility with both software and hardware wallets as well. Ideally, your crypto tracker app or platform links to cold hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor. At the same time, it should be able to connect with software wallets like MetaMask.

Tools to Optimize and Manage Your Crypto Portfolio

Once you’ve clearly understood and defined your portfolio, you can apply strategies to optimize its performance and increase your returns.

Various cryptocurrency coins spread out on a table.

Diversification and Asset Allocation Platforms

Diversified portfolios tend to perform the best. With diversification, you spread risk across different assets, minimizing potential losses and amplifying possible gains. 

In crypto, you form a well-diversified portfolio by spreading your investments across well-selected coins and tokens. You can diversify by use case, technological design, or infrastructure. You can also choose coins by market cap or risk profile.

Remember to apply the correct asset allocation. Determine the right percentage assigned to each crypto asset class.

Moreover, you can perform an independent analysis using platforms that offer market data, coin rankings, and correlation analysis. Find apps or platforms that provide ratings to assess the quality of your digital assets.

Rebalance Your Crypto Portfolio Instantly

If you prefer a seamless approach to crypto portfolio management, find a highly automated platform that effortlessly performs this function.

Choose a trading engine that connects with multiple exchanges. It must provide access to numerous cryptocurrencies. Iconomi, for example, optimizes trades seamlessly. It lets you choose desired assets and weights. If you need to rebalance, all you need to do is hit a button. 

This single-click diversification feature is customized according to your asset and weighting preferences (for example, a portfolio with 50 percent allocation each for BTC and ETH) and can optimize each trade. It accounts for real-time market movements for the best possible execution. 

Additionally, you can choose to make your profile private or public. If made public, you allow other traders to copy your moves. Building an open crypto portfolio for your audience could earn you more rewards. 

Crypto Risk Management Tools

Risk management is essential to capital preservation and achieving long-term growth in your crypto investments. 

Setting stop-loss orders

To protect your investments, set stop-loss orders. These settings automatically sell a crypto asset when its trading price falls below a predetermined threshold. This feature helps you limit your losses and insulates your portfolio against sharp downturns in the market.

Volatility analysis platforms

If you like advanced charting tools, TradingView is ideal for you. It provides technical indicators that help analyze market volatility. It also spots potential risk factors. When you use these platforms to monitor volatility patterns, you can adjust your risk exposure accordingly.

Build a Crypto Toolkit for Maximum Responsiveness

Crypto investment is fast-paced and 24/7. To optimize your crypto portfolio, you must be able to identify events or opportunities as they arise suddenly and then act swiftly and decisively.

However, while you could be highly knowledgeable about the market, it is impossible to catch all the trends and signals around the clock. Find the right digital tools to help you maintain flexibility, capitalize on opportunities, and lessen downside risk in crypto investing. Use these tools to maintain a portfolio that aligns with your goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Today, crypto holders can take control of their portfolios at a more granular level. If you hold crypto and invest using multiple wallets and exchanges, it’s time to build your supporting toolkit. Use intelligence platforms, tracker apps, automated management software, and in-app risk management features to gain powerful advantages in portfolio tracking and management.